Image showing a model wearing a tiara.
A selection of portfolio images of editorial works.
Image showing a model wearing a tiara and necklace from the same collection


Image showing a music artist for promotional purposes
A selection of headshot photography for use in acting work
Image showing a model in black and white


An edited image of a model with the colour usage is mainly shades of green
A selection of images from personal works created by the photographer
An image of a model which was used for artist promotional purposes


An image of a model from London fashion week 2018
A selection of images taken at various fashion shows in London
An image of a model at London fashion week in 2019



Born and raised in rural Ireland, I moved to Newcastle to do a 2 year FdA in Commercial Photography. After building a little bit of knowledge on equipment, lighting and creating a start up portfolio of work I decided to move straight to London instead of continuing onto a BA. Now based in South London I moved down and started assisting commercial/advertising photographers. Inspired by the likes of Tim Walker, Kirsty Mitchell and Erik Madegan- Heck, I try in my spare time, to work on my own personal projects and shoots I want to do or wonder about the city with camera in hand

